The World Selection Committee is a six-people committee which meets annually to evaluate the applications of IAEA programs and activities in order to set the criteria for selecting countries and/or states that are eligible to become a member of IAEA. These individuals are the Secretaries-General of IAEA and the IAEA vice Chairman, the Permanent Secretary-Gen of IAEA and the Olympic Sports Federation president. The Secretaries-General can participate in the meetings by giving oral and written reports to the World Selection Committee. The other members of this committee are from all over the world. They are selected on the basis of their field of specialization and their experience in different fields related to nuclear technology.
The IAEA has been very keen on strengthening its ties with non Nuclear weaponized nations and the Olympic Movement was therefore chosen to promote the idea of world peace and security through sport. There are many things that the committee members will be doing during the year to try to accomplish this task. One of these is participating in the Olympic Games. The committee members are given the task of planning the Olympic Sports Program, which includes the areas where the athletes will be participating.
After the planning and preparations are complete, they will have to start putting all the ideas into action. This will involve preparing the site and the athletes to host the games and also ensuring that all the necessary documents are ready for the committee. The committee then looks into various aspects of the proposed site, including the safety measures for the athletes. It also looks into the various aspects of the proposed venues, including accommodation for the athletes and their families as well as the management of all the games and matches.
As it is a matter of public record, it is expected that there will be public interest in the world selection committee. This is why the committee must ensure transparency and accountability in every aspect of its work. Transparency is the first step towards transparency in governance. Accountability is important because the committee must make sure that all the information it holds is complete and accurate and it should hold information on everything related to the activities of each and every athlete on each and every site. It must also hold information on any athlete that might be banned from a particular site or competition.
Accountability also means that the committee must keep track of all reports, interviews, updates, correspondence and other material on the process that it is involved in. It is also important for the committee to be able to hold people responsible for their actions. For instance, it would be wrong if a member of selection committee authorised a site to host an event but did not take the trouble to check whether the site was licensed to do so or whether the event conforms to any local bylaws. If some of these checks and balances were not put in place, things could go very wrong for the committee in the future. An example could be if it allowed someone with a dubious history to be the coach for a selection meeting.
A committee can go wrong only if it fails to make a proper selection. There are various ways in which to make sure that the committee does make a proper selection. The first thing is to involve each and every possible member of selection in the process. The second thing is to involve the people behind different events in the selection process. The next thing is to involve the general public in the selection process. Finally, make sure that there is adequate compensation involved for the selected persons.