The role of a Selection Committee is to help the University select candidates for a position by providing diverse perspectives on the process. It helps to include a variety of people and backgrounds when forming the selection committee. These members may be supervisors, peers, clients, or other important stakeholders. The members of a Selection Committee should be diverse in both their background and perspective on the applicant pool. In addition, they should be well-versed in the Code of Conduct, which centres around five core values: honesty, integrity, excellence, and respect.
In addition, members of the Selection Committee serve staggered three-year terms. The first group of selection committee members had staggered terms, but these later were rotated to allow for rotation. A committee member may serve on the Committee for more than three years. In the case of a resignation, a new replacement will be appointed. However, it is recommended that the selection committee members be well-versed in the discipline in question.
The Selection Committee comprises the chair and other members of the athletic department. The Chair of the committee should be someone who is a member of the Admissions Committee. This person should be an expert on college football. The committee members should have a background in that discipline and be willing to give their time to the process. In addition, the selection committee members should be unbiased towards applicants, not to favor or disfavor any particular candidate. The purpose of the Selection Committee is to create a selection committee that is representative of the university.
The members of the Selection Committee do not receive compensation for their work. They are reimbursed for their expenses. While they are not required to attend the games in person, they are expected to watch their replays on a daily basis. The members of the committee should not be biased in favor of one applicant over another. Ultimately, they must ensure the integrity of the selection process. A selection mistake can have serious consequences and could even lead to a disciplinary action.
The Chair of the Selection Committee must submit a report to the delegate at the end of the selection process. This report should document the details of the selection process and the results. The purpose of the report is to assure the delegate that the selection process was fair and that all applicants were treated equally. It is also important for the members to avoid any bias while making decisions. The chairman should keep the confidential of the process. If the applicants feel that they have been unfairly treated, the selection process should not be based on personal preferences.
If the delegate of the Conference wants to appoint a Vice-Chair, the Chair of the Selection Committee should make a report on the process. This report should contain the names of the participants, the selection criteria, and the outcome of the process. It should also be transparent. While it may seem like a simple document, the Selection Committee report should be comprehensive and objective. The members of the Committee should be impartial. It should not indicate the likely outcome of the selection to the applicants.