The World Selection Committee is a panel of five people who are appointed by the organizing committee to select the best athletes for the World Games. Each member of the selection panel has specific expertise. The criteria for determining the shortlist vary according to team. If you don’t meet the requirements for a particular team, you will be ineligible for four years. The process involves several meetings, ranging from initial interviews to trial competitions.
In order to qualify for a one world selection, your documentary film must have been completed within the last two years. Previous participation in another film festival is not a bar to participating in the One World competition. The selection committee will focus equally on artistic quality and human rights content. Once you have completed your application, the selection committee will notify you by February 15, 2011, and ask you to send a screening copy of your film. Once your film is selected, you will receive a confirmation of your application and will be asked to send a screening copy of your work to the jury.