Committee News
Committee News is an online media organization, which provides up-to-the-minute news to members of Congress, political campaign staffers, media, and others. It publishes an annual Congressional index of legislation, as well as links to specific congressional hearings, speeches, news releases, and other information. The organization has outfitted its service to cater to all congressional districts and to provide timely news reports, in line with the member of Congress’ districts.
The members of the Committee News staff plan and produce newsletters and articles pertaining to the jurisdictions of the various members of Congress. It is designed to provide the members of Congress with the current information that they need about pending legislation, upcoming elections, special interest issues, judicial appointments, and other important events in their states and districts. The newsletter is distributed to all members of Congress and the relevant news outlets by the Committee on Capitol Hill. Reporters are notified by email before the information is released.
Members of Congress depend on Committee News to have up-to-the-minute information about the activities of their committees, and members. The organization publishes a Directory of Congressmen, which lists every member of Congress. It also publishes Congressional agendas, minutes of committees, floor speeches, committee reports, floor speeches, newspaper and magazine stories, and select press releases regarding legislation. These documents provide members with the information they need to know and can be requested at anytime. Other services include tracking legislation’s progress, sending electronic news letters, preparing committee meetings and phone conferences, writing policy statements and task force reports, preparing and sending thank you notes, developing and presenting congressional scorecards, preparing the legislative agenda, preparing written reports and testimony, producing a legislative report, preparing a status report, preparing an agenda for a markup session, preparing an organizational chart, preparing a financial report, preparing a presentation for a committee, preparing a staff report, preparing an oral address, preparing a speech for a committee, and sending electronic mail to members of Congress.
In addition, the Committee on Political Reform and Government Services produces an annual News Digest to inform members of developments on the Hill. News Digests include a pre-range outline of topical issues, and a number of important policy decisions that will affect members of Congress and their staffs. This periodical is sent to members before the spring recess. Other services it offers include tracking political spending and holding hearings with members of Congress.
Congressional Business News, otherwise known as CCN, is produced by some of the largest associations representing members in Congress. The ccn provides timely and critical information to members and their staffs. To receive a CCN subscription, you must become a member of the association. The news is generally published in two sections: internal news and external news. External news comprises all reports prepared by members’ staff that are not authorized by the members themselves.
The ccn is distributed to members and staffs through Congressional Information Services. Members who need to obtain pre-publication copies of previous years’ CCN articles are expected to contact CIS. The organization also distributes a daily ccnosis, which informs members and staff about the day’s proceedings. These are among the best sources for obtaining regular news about the members’ organization.