College Football Selection Committee – The Reasons Why They Act As Full Time Employees
The selection committee of an organization plays a vital role in the smooth functioning of an organization. Their task is to carry out the necessary selection procedure in an organized manner so as to meet the desired goals and objectives. There are different levels of selection within an organization. They include selection of an optimum candidate, selection of a qualified candidate and development of an outstanding candidate. The level of selection depends on the organizational requirement and the size of the organization.
The selection committee members are generally ex-officio members or employees of the organization. The members have the duty of carrying out the responsibilities vested upon them by the central board of the organization. The duties of these individuals include ensuring that the prescribed quota of vacancies is fulfilled, ensuring that the minimum educational qualifications required by the organization are met and developing potential candidates. Recusal of officers from the decision making process is common practice in organizations. The most important clause of a recusal policy is that the member cannot be biased in any way towards any particular person.
A part of the overall responsibility of selection committee members is the implementation of the policies and procedures laid down by the board of directors. This requires them to go through a formal mandate from the management committee. The management committee is required to review the policies formulated by the board of directors and if they are found to be at odds with the interests of the organization, they are to be modified. If not, they are to be rejected by the members of the selection committee.
The responsibilities of members of selection committees include developing a pool of potential candidates, interviewing the candidates and evaluating the candidates to determine their suitability for the post. It is important that the selection committees take time in screening the potential candidates. The time taken often results in a waste of valuable resources and does not yield any positive results. In addition to this, it is important that the candidate selected has the right attitude and is compatible with the work environment. The members of the selection committees are supposed to adhere to their own personal set of guidelines when it comes to picking the best candidate.
The development of a list of potential candidates is based on the records of past successful teams and the performance of each team during the recent season. Team performance and statistics are reviewed to determine whether the team should continue to be given an opportunity to play in college football. If a team performs below expectations, the head coach might be forced to change the coaching staff or rest some of the players. The selection committee often discusses the matter with the coaching staff before making a final decision.
The entire process of college football scouting, developing a prospect list, interview sessions, evaluation, and selecting a player can be exhausting for a selection committee member. It is often advisable for them to hire a part-time employee for a few weeks to take care of the administrative tasks involved in such a task. This is why the management committee often hires a coach, player, or two to act as a part-time worker. In most cases, recruiters are hired as a full-time employee and is assigned the responsibility of scouting, signing, and developing the talent pool of college football players.