A committee is a group of elected officials, or members of the House and Senate, who gather to discuss and debate issues. Each committee is responsible for a specific topic or subject area, and works to ensure that laws and policies reflect the public’s interests.
After conducting public hearings and deliberating on a bill, committee members vote to recommend that the measure be approved, or “reported.” The report describes the purpose and scope of the bill, explains why the committee believes it should be passed with or without amendment, and includes a House Report number (H.Rpt) and a number indicating the Congress in which the committee is operating (currently 107). To learn more about the consideration of bills by a congressional committee, see How Our Laws Are Made.
The House Judiciary Committee on Monday published a summary of its final report and recommended that former President Donald Trump face criminal charges for obstruction of an official proceeding. This marks the first time in history that a congressional committee has recommended that a sitting president be criminally prosecuted.
Committee News
After meeting with local leaders and community members, the City-County Liaison Committee voted to support the county’s efforts to support youth and families facing generational challenges, such as emotional wellness and housing. The committee also voted to approve the use of the Alongside app and “Harmony Corners” at schools as ways to provide a space for students to receive support and find peer connection.
The government normally makes a response to a select committee’s report within two months of publication, although it can seek the committee’s agreement to allow a longer period. Responses are normally published as Treasury Minutes, which are Command Papers, but they can also be included in a more detailed report issued by the committee. Occasionally, a select committee will make a joint report with another body, such as the European Parliament or a trade association, and in these cases the responses are often published together. A separate annex may also be attached to a report to the House of Commons, containing the replies from the other body.