Government is the group of people that has power to rule in an organized territory, such as a country or state within a country. Governments make laws, rules and regulations, collect taxes and print money, and enforce those laws with a police force.
Governments can take a wide variety of forms, from monarchies to democracies. Each type of government has its own unique history and philosophy, reflecting the political climate at that time and the specific circumstances in a given country. The goal of most governments is to provide economic prosperity for the nation, secure its borders and the safety and well-being of its citizens. Governments also offer other services such as education, health care and an infrastructure for transportation.
A common theme of discussions about government is that it is “of the people, by the people, and for the people.” While this sentiment has long been a part of our national ethos, it is important to realize that these concepts have only recently been developed as ideas, and are not necessarily universally held in all parts of the world.
There are many different ways to approach a study of government, and there are many resources available to teachers. The most effective teaching methods will vary by class, but a few examples include reading and discussing current politics in newspapers, magazines and books; engaging students in a debate about controversial topics; using interactive websites to examine how laws are made; and conducting research on historical events.
One way to understand how a country’s government works is to look at the structure of its federal and local governments. The United States is a democracy, and it has three branches of government: legislative, executive and judicial. The legislative branch is known as Congress, and it makes laws. The executive branch, headed by the President, enforces the laws that Congress enacts. The judicial branch, headed by the Supreme Court, interprets those laws and decides whether or not to uphold them in a particular case.
A final way to learn about a country’s government is to visit its website and read its documents. These websites can be operated by governmental, educational, charitable or civic-minded organizations. The best websites are those that allow visitors to search for specific information, such as a description of how a bill becomes a law.
Another good resource for learning about a country’s government is C-SPAN’s Classroom Deliberations. These videos use video content from C-SPAN to help students discuss a controversial topic and frame arguments for and against it. There are also a number of other resources that offer games, simulations and role-playing activities to help students engage in thoughtful discussion about difficult issues.